Saturday, May 24, 2014



Several friends recently have commented that my Social Media posts (tweets, pics, updates) were positive, encouraging and helpful. This made me smile, but also got me thinking on 'why' that here are my thoughts. 

Let me start by acknowledging that I don't always get it right. In the efforts to be 'me' in a creative, entertaining and hopefully funny way opinions, comments and posts can at times send a confusing message. This is regrettable, inexcusable and I right here and now I seek your forgiveness.  

Secondly, there are folks who I am 'friends' with on SocialMedia that say and do things that are confusing, hurtful and downright mean. On more than one occasion I have drafted a 'snarky or stinging' rebuttal, but by the grace of God have managed to press DELETE before SEND (most of the time). 

Here are a few reasons why I choose to PAUSE before POSTING.

First, and with all my heart, I believe that it is possible to be creative without being crude, silly without being sarcastic, interesting without being irritating, hopeful without being critical and encouraging without complaining. 

Second, we are bombarded daily by stories that would lead any of us to believe that the world is going to come to an end tomorrow. Call me an optimist, short-sided or naive ...but I choose to look for the good in life and be an encouragement to others by sharing stories of faith, hope and love. 

Finally, as a Follower of Christ I realize that my life, words and actions are on display for the world to see. It is my online mission to leave a Facebook footprint that leads to Jesus, an Instagram image that embraces my identity in Christ and Blog posts that add sentences, paragraphs and possibly a page in God's redemptive story here on earth.

There is more to be written on this topic, but I wanted to share a few thoughts on the purpose behind why I choose to PAUSE before POSTING.

Grace & Peace, 


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